Shopify Affiliate Program 2023: Working, Payments and More

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Shopify Affiliate Guide 2023



Shopify, the emerging market share holder, has now become an integral part of any out there who possesses an interest in the eCommerce industry. With the emerging world order in the technological and digitalization domains, one can easily connect, buy, or purchase anything from online markets by staying at their home. There are many platforms from where you can buy products online such as:


  • Shopify
  • Amazon
  • Ebay
  • Wix
  • WooCommerce
  • Ali baba
  • Aliexpress
  • Rakuten


Here, we are going to discuss various aspects of Shopify-affiliated programs along with their working and payment details. Let’s discuss it!


Shopify Free Trial for 14 days

Does Shopify have an Affiliate Program?


Yes, of course, Shopify does have an affiliated program. The Shopify Affiliate Program includes entrepreneurs, educators, influencers, and content creators who inspire and teach their audience about entrepreneurship with Shopify.

Is there any commission available for the person who refers to the Shopify affiliate program?

Yes, the Shopify affiliate program is free to join and enables you to monetize your audience and earn commissions from each new Shopify merchant referral. As an affiliate, you can earn a commission for each user who signs up for a paid plan with your unique affiliate tracking link.


What is the Shopify Affiliate Program?


The Shopify Affiliate Program includes entrepreneurs, educators, influencers, and content creators who inspire and teach their audience about entrepreneurship with Shopify.


It also includes others who refer their entrepreneurial audience to Shopify. The program is free to join and enables you to monetize your audience and earn commissions from each new Shopify merchant referral. As an affiliate, you can earn a commission for each user who signs up for a paid plan with your unique affiliate tracking link.

Shopify also encourages developers and web designers with their affiliate program called Shopify Partners. By joining Shopify Partners, web designers become shopify affiliate and get a percentage commission of a plan of the customer that they refer to shopify. 


What are the criteria required to join the Shopify affiliate program?

To apply for the Shopify Affiliate Program, you need to meet the following requirements:

  • You own and run an active website.
  • You have an established audience.
  • You create original content, such as online courses, blog posts, videos, or guides.
  • You have experience with commerce, entrepreneurship, Shopify, or other e-commerce platforms.



How does the Shopify Affiliate Program work?


Shopify platform along with its affiliate program works in its own way. There exists a third-party integration for its marketing purpose on the Shopify dashboard.


“Shopify facilitates affiliate marketing through affiliate platforms by offering third-party affiliate platform application integration within its dashboard.”


The best affiliate marketing platforms have their apps on Shopify, making it easy for Shopify brands to integrate the affiliate marketing platform into their Shopify store.

What is Impact?

The Impact is the trusted third-party affiliate tracking platform that hosts the Shopify Affiliate Program. Impact provides Shopify affiliates with third-party tracking, real-time reporting, and monthly commission payments. Link:

Is the Shopify Affiliate Program free?


Yes, the Shopify affiliate program is free to join and enables you to monetize your audience and earn commissions from each new Shopify merchant referral. This enables you to get on hand experience with the affiliate program and then earn money for your livelihood.


Therefore, Shopify Affiliates earn money based on referrals. Earnings vary depending on the location of the merchants that you refer to.


How much do Shopify affiliates make?


The amount which Shopify affiliates make varies from time to time. For each signup, an affiliate can earn from $58 to $2,000 depending on the merchant user plan. You can earn more money by sending more people to Shopify and getting more sales.


The commission from Shopify is a one-time bounty payment equal to 200% of the merchant’s monthly subscription fee for general plans (Basic, Shopify, Advanced); and equal to $2,000 for a Shopify Plus subscription.

Shopify affiliates usually make $58 per referral, on average.

Shopify Affiliate Program commission rates:


Affiliate commission rates for Shopify are quite simple. It’s 100% for the first two recurring payments and 0% afterward. For example, let’s say you get someone to sign up for Shopify Basic, which costs $29 per month. If the person pays for one month, he will earn $29.

If for two, you will earn $58.

This is the mentioned cost of Basic Shopify sign-up. If they sign up for Shopify Advanced, they will earn $299 or $598. These are the mentioned values for only the subscriber who pays on a monthly basis, not yearly.

Keep in mind that you also won’t earn anything from trial members, so the percentage of your referrals who convert from the trial to paid subscription also matters.


How long does the Shopify cookie last?


Before indulging ourselves in the mentioned question, first, let’s know about a cookie.


So, what is a cookie?

A cookie is a small amount of information that’s downloaded to your computer or device when you visit certain websites. Cookies make your browsing experience better by allowing the website to remember your actions and preferences (such as login and region selection).

This means you don’t have to re-enter this information each time you return to the site or browse from one page to another. However, the Shopify cookie lasts for 30 days. While 30 days might not sound like a lot, consider the fact that Amazon has a cookie period of only 24 hours for its affiliates!

Affiliate cookies allow affiliate programs to match customers to your affiliate link.



How do you get paid from Shopify?


The Shopify Affiliate Program uses Impact to issue payments. Impact requires a minimum balance of $10 USD (or the approximate equivalent in your local currency) before you can withdraw your account balance.


Affiliates can choose to be paid when their balance reaches a certain amount or on a bi-weekly basis. One of the best parts about the Shopify affiliate program is that it pays you twice a month via PayPal. If you consistently refer people to Shopify, you will get your payment once every two weeks, approximately.


When does Shopify pay affiliates?

Shopify pays its affiliates after every two weeks i.e. twice a month. Your balance must be at least $25 to receive a payment. If it is less than $25, Shopify will roll over your payment until the next payment period and continue doing so until your balance reaches at least $25.

Apart from the Shopify affiliate program, there are some affiliate programs that pay once a month.


What Marketing Materials and Promotional Tools are available?


Offering your affiliates superior marketing materials is critical for the success of your program, therefore, Shopify provides its affiliates with creatives/tools that they can use in their marketing efforts.

A creative is a banner, logo, or image that you can place on your site. Shopify also gives you limited access to its trademark to promote it. There are also Affiliates Links that can be used as a promotion or marketing for the Shopify affiliates program.


Who should join the Shopify Affiliate Program?


Shopify is one of the most popular software-as-a-service (SaaS) e-commerce platforms and is used by more than 1.75 million merchants worldwide to sell their products and 20 percent of all eCommerce websites.

Affiliate marketing has grown exponentially because it is a low-budget and low-risk marketing method to increase brand awareness, website traffic, and revenue.

Affiliate marketing is a win-win scenario for commerce brands, especially those on Shopify and their affiliate partners. Anyone looking for high-performing niche products should consider promoting Shopify as a Shopify affiliate.

Shopify is one of the most popular website-building platforms in the world, and it is the premier e-commerce-building platform.

If you already run an active website with an established audience where you create original content, you can apply to the Shopify Affiliate Program, allowing you to start referring your audience to Shopify merchants directly through the program. That will allow you to earn a percentage of the sales as a commission.


Is the Shopify Affiliate Program worth it?


Well, with every initiative, comes its advantages and disadvantages.

Before determining whether the Shopify affiliate program is right for you, you need to weigh the pros and cons of joining this program.

Pros of the Shopify Affiliate Program:

The main advantages of the Shopify program include the following:

  • A commission rate of 100% for the first two months.
  • The ability to earn more with Shopify Advanced.
  • Bonus possibilities, include the Commerce Coach program.
  • It’s a platform with a reputation behind it – there’s a lot of positive information about Shopify online.

Cons of the Shopify Affiliate Program:

The main disadvantages of the Shopify program include the following:

  • You stop earning commissions after the first two months, making it more challenging to earn a recurring income.
  • Shopify does not automatically approve everyone to join as an affiliate.
  • You can only receive payments via PayPal.
  • The 30-day cookie window, as opposed to a 60 or 90-day window, will cause you to lose out on some referrals.

Is the Shopify Affiliate Program Worth It?

The answer to this question is yes, Absolutely.

Since you’re getting 100% of the first two months, it’s the equivalent of eight months of membership if you were to be earning 25% and four months of membership if you were to be earning 50%. Besides, even stores that don’t fail may switch to other e-commerce building platforms.

Since many referrals won’t keep paying for Shopify for many months, the amount of money you’re losing out on isn’t necessarily that high. Therefore, Shopify Affiliate Program is totally worth it as proved by the above discussion.

How to Join the Shopify Affiliate Program?


For this, there are certain steps and criteria required to join the Shopify Affiliate Program.


To apply, you must perform several steps:

  • Own and run an active website.
  • Have an established audience.
  • Create original content, such as online courses, seminars, blog posts, or videos.
  • Have an experience with Shopify or other e-commerce platforms.
  • Have read and agreed to the Shopify Partner Program Agreement.


Requirements to join the Shopify Affiliated Program:


There are certain procedures and needed requirements to join Shopify Affiliate Program.

These are:

  • You own and run an active website.
  • You have an established audience.
  • You create original content, such as online courses, blog posts, videos, or guides.
  • You have experience with commerce, entrepreneurship, Shopify, or other e-commerce platforms.

To join Shopify, you must already have a website. Not any other website but it must be an active website with an established audience. Therefore, if someone possesses above mentioned criterion then he/she be able to join the Shopify Affiliate Program.


How can you earn revenue by becoming a Shopify Partner?


As far as this goes, there are ways to help assure you earn money by becoming a Shopify Partner. Being a Shopify Partner, you earn a commission based on the merchant’s subscription fee.


You’ll continue to earn this commission for as long as the merchant is a Shopify customer and you are an active Shopify Partner. Shopify will calculate your commission based on invoices paid by the merchant.


Now, Is it worth becoming a Shopify partner?


There are basically four benefits of becoming a Shopify Partner such as by generating regular income from building websites. Earn cash by building apps and themes. Gain access to an unlimited Shopify store, which allows them to test apps, themes, and beta features. Learn more about creating apps and themes for Shopify through the Shopify Partner academy.

How to generate revenue as a Shopify Partner?

The Shopify Partner program gives you multiple ways to generate revenue. For example, you can generate revenue by doing the following:

●      Refer clients to the Shopify Partner program by using development stores, and receive a recurring commission.

●      Write and publish Shopify apps or Shopify themes.

●      Sell your apps or themes on a subscription basis or for a one-time fee.



How long does it take to get approved for the Shopify Affiliate Program?


As far as Shopify Affiliate Program goes, it carefully reviews each application. If your application is approved, then you’ll receive an email confirming your acceptance and the next steps on how to get started.


In most cases, applications to the Shopify Affiliate Program are processed within 5 business days. You will get an email with your affiliate link after Shopify approves you. If Shopify doesn’t approve you, it will not notify you of the rejection.


How to make money with the Shopify Affiliate Program?


As an affiliate, you can earn a commission for each user who signs up for a paid plan with your affiliate link. To apply for the Shopify Affiliate Program, you need to meet the following requirements:

  • You own and run an active website.
  • You have an established audience.

There are some other ways as well, such as:

Be Realistic:

  • Don’t sell Shopify as a way to make money quickly online.
  • Instead, remind your readers/referrals that a successful e-commerce store requires long-term commitment, dedication, and a lot of effort.
  • That way, your referrals won’t quit after the first few weeks, and you will earn your full reward.

Provide Value-Added Content:

  • Focus on publishing content that adds value to your readers.
  • For example, in your emails, do not just promote Shopify.
  • Instead, give tips and advice on how to be successful as an eCommerce store owner.

Start a Newsletter:

  • Realize that not all of your readers will want to sign up for Shopify right away.
  • The first time you tell someone about Shopify, they might not become a subscriber.
  • Instead, focus on getting your readers to sign up for your email newsletter.

Therefore, having followed above mentioned ways, one can legitimately earn money through Shopify Affiliate Program


Alternatives to the Shopify Affiliate Program:

There are several alternatives to the Shopify Affiliate Program. Some of them are mentioned below:

Kajabi Affiliate Program:

Kajabi is a platform that allows you to sell online courses, videos, podcasts, and premium memberships.

SAAS Affiliate Programs:

SaaS stands for software as a service. You can access SaaS online instead of needing to store the software on your own machine. Shopify is one example of a SaaS.


Hubspot Affiliate Program:

The Hubspot affiliate program allows you to earn money from promoting Hubspot, a platform that provides customer management and sales tools to small businesses.

Amazon Affiliate Helper by Michita:

Amazon Affiliate Helper from the Michita team is the app that you are looking for in your Shopify store. This app allows you to monetize your store with Amazon.



How do you get approved for Shopify’s Affiliate Program?

Every platform consists of its own methodology to approve applications for various offers provided by it. In this scenario, it is about Shopify Affiliate Program. So, one can approve its application approved through the below-mentioned procedure.

To apply for the Shopify Affiliate Program, you need to meet the following requirements:

  • You own and run an active website.
  • You have an established audience.
  • You create original content, such as online courses, blog posts, videos, or guides.
  • You have experience with commerce, entrepreneurship, Shopify, or other eCommerce platforms.

Also, you need to apply on the Shopify Affiliate page.

You need to give some basic information about yourself and how you will promote Shopify. That’s it. It will ask you for your website URL, and even your social media handles if you say you will be using social media to promote Shopify.

How do you get paid from Shopify?


There are several ways that Shopify uses to pay its clients.


The Shopify Affiliate Program uses Impact to issue payments. Impact requires a minimum balance of $10 USD (or the approximate equivalent in your local currency) before you can withdraw your account balance. Once you reach the minimum balance amount, you can withdraw your account balance and send it to your bank account or PayPal account.


Shopify offers several ways of receiving payouts, including PayPal, Bank Account, and Wire Transfer. Access to specific payout methods depends on your country or region and the currency that you want the payout converted to.


“Shopify pays you for referring new customers to the platform.” PayPal is the only payment method for affiliates.




From the above-mentioned discussion, it can be concluded that the Shopify Affiliated Program gives vast opportunities for a business to grow and prosper.

This platform provides a guided path to beat other firms currently working in the market in terms of revenue generation and vertical growth. From the middle ages to the industrial era and from the industrial era to the technological era, man has always been in a constant flux of change. Today’s revolutionized world is different from the last one.

Online businesses and markets have changed the course of the current governing mechanism in terms of economic and financial status.

Finally, one must hope for the best as platforms like Shopify have successfully uplifted the social and moral fabric of society through their vast progress, success, and availability.