Complete Guide: Kickstarter Marketing Strategies in 2024

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Kickstarter Marketing Strategies 2024


Kickstarter is a crowdfunding platform that allows individuals or businesses to raise funds for creative projects through the support of numerous people. It was founded in 2009 and has become one of the most popular global crowdfunding platforms. Kickstarter has been used to fund a wide array of projects, including independent films, innovative gadgets, art installations, and more. It provides a platform for creators to connect with a community of supporters who are interested in helping bring unique and creative ideas to life.

There are many ways through which Kickstarter works along with its marketing strategies

  • Build a Strong Pre-launch Presence.
  • Social Media Campaigns.
  • Email Marketing.
  • Press Outreach.
  • Crowdfunding Video.
  • Partnerships and Collaborations.
  • Paid Advertising.
  • Post-launch Momentum.

Here, in this article, I am about to discuss one of the many aspects of Kickstarter Marketing Strategies which is the “Social Media Campaigns” along with some other key aspects.

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Social Media Marketing for Kickstarter (Organic and Paid):

Launching a Kickstarter campaign involves strategic planning and effective use of social media to reach a wider audience. Both organic and paid social media marketing play crucial roles in promoting your Kickstarter project. I am about to provide key points to help you navigate through the process:

Organic Social Media Marketing:

  • Build a Strong Foundation.
  • Content Strategy.
  • Leverage Hashtags.
  • Crowdsourcing Ideas.

Paid Social Media Marketing:

  • Targeted Ads.
  • Budget Planning.
  • Video Ads.

Remember, a successful Kickstarter campaign requires a combination of both organic and paid efforts.”

How to attract potential investors for Kickstarter using Instagram Marketing:

Kickstarter Instagram marketing can be a powerful way to promote your crowdfunding campaign and engage with potential investors. There are some ways through which Instagram can be used as a Kickstarter Marketing tool. These are mentioned below:

  • Create a Compelling Profile: 
    Use a clear and high-quality profile picture.
    Write a bio that succinctly explains your project and includes a link to your Kickstarter campaign.
    Optimize your Instagram profile to reflect your Kickstarter campaign.
  • Visual Content:  
    Instagram is a visual platform, so focus on creating eye-catching and high-quality visuals related to your project.
  • Leverage Hashtags:  
    Research and use relevant hashtags related to your project, crowdfunding, and your niche.
  • Engage with Your Audience:  
    Respond to comments and direct messages promptly.
  • User-Generated Content: 
    Encourage backers to share their experiences with your product or project.
    Repost user-generated content to show social proof and build a sense of community.
  • Ad Campaigns: 
    Consider running targeted Instagram ads to reach a wider audience.
    Use compelling visuals and concise captions to capture attention.
  • Instagram Ads: 
    Utilize Instagram’s advertising platform to target specific demographics and interests.
    Create compelling ad creatives with a clear call-to-action to drive traffic to your Kickstarter page.

Facebook ads for crowdfunding in Kickstarter Marketing:

Using Facebook ads for crowdfunding can be an effective way to reach a wide audience and attract potential investors for your campaign. There are some ways through which you can generate revenue for your project. These are:

  • Define Your Audience:  
    Identify your target audience based on demographics, interests, and behaviors. Consider who is most likely to be interested in your crowdfunding project.
  • Compelling Visuals:  
    Create eye-catching visuals that communicate your project and its benefits.
  • Clear Value Proposition:  
    Communicate the value and uniqueness of your crowdfunding project. Explain what sets it apart from others and why people should support it.
  • Landing Page Optimization:  
    Ensure that the landing page you direct users to is optimized for conversions. It should provide more details about your project, showcase testimonials, and have a clear call-to-action (CTA) for backing the campaign.
  • Utilize Facebook Pixel:  
    Implement the Facebook Pixel on your website or landing page to track user interactions. This data can be used to optimize your ads, retarget visitors, and gain insights into your audience.
  • Limited-Time Offers and Urgency:  
    Create a sense of urgency by incorporating limited-time offers or exclusive rewards for early backers. This can motivate people to support your project sooner rather than later.

“Remember to comply with Facebook’s advertising policies and guidelines, and keep an eye on your campaign’s performance metrics to make data-driven decisions throughout the crowdfunding period.”

Twitter(X) promotion strategies for Kickstarter Marketing:

Promoting a Kickstarter campaign on X (formerly known as Twitter) requires a strategic approach to engage your audience and generate buzz. I am about to discuss a proper way through which potential backers can be attracted to your idea for generating revenue.

  • Create a Dedicated Twitter Account:  
    Set up a separate Twitter account specifically for your Kickstarter campaign to keep your promotional efforts focused.
  • Optimize Your Profile:
    Use a compelling profile picture and cover photo that reflects your project.
  • Engage with Your Audience:
    Respond promptly to comments, questions, and mentions to foster a sense of community.
    Run polls, ask for feedback, and encourage user-generated content to increase engagement.
  • Utilize Twitter Ads: 
    Invest in Twitter Ads to reach a broader audience.
    Create targeted campaigns based on demographics, interests, and behaviors.
  • Collaborate with Partners:  
    Partner with other Kickstarter projects or businesses that share a similar audience.
  • Share User Testimonials and Reviews: 
    Highlight positive feedback from backers and share testimonials.
    Showcase how your project has already garnered support to build trust with potential backers.

“Remember, consistency and engagement are key on X (formerly known as Twitter). Make sure to monitor your campaign’s performance as needed throughout the Kickstarter campaign.”

How to Run a Successful Kickstarter Campaign on YouTube:

Promoting a Kickstarter campaign on YouTube requires certain aspects to be fulfilled to reach a wider audience and generate interest in your project. These are:                                                                                    

  • YouTube Advertising
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Crowdfunding Platforms

Let me explain the YouTube advertising aspect in depth.

  • Create a Compelling Video:  Develop a high-quality and engaging video that explains your project, its purpose, and the benefits of supporting it.
  • Build Hype Before Launch:  Start promoting your Kickstarter campaign before it officially launches. Create teaser videos or behind-the-scenes content to build anticipation and curiosity among your audience.
  • Leverage Influencers and Collaborations:  Partner with YouTube influencers or creators who align with your project. They can introduce your campaign to their audience through reviews, unboxing videos, or dedicated content about your product.
  • Collaborate with Niche Communities:  Identify relevant niche communities on YouTube that may be interested in your project. Reach out to creators within those communities and ask if they would be interested in featuring your project.
  • Share Milestones and Updates:  Regularly update your YouTube channel with campaign milestones, achievements, and progress. This keeps your audience engaged and informed about the success of your campaign.
  • Cross-Promote on Other Platforms:  Share your YouTube videos on other social media platforms, forums, and your campaign page. Utilize all available channels to maximize your reach and drive traffic to your Kickstarter campaign.

Creating Marketing Funnel — To Collect Prospects:

Creating a marketing funnel for Kickstarter involves a strategic approach to attract potential investors and guide them through the stages of awareness, interest, consideration, and ultimately, conversion. A successful Kickstarter marketing funnel involves continuous engagement and communication with your audience. Adjust your strategy based on analytics and feedback to optimize your campaign throughout its duration.

There are three aspects of Marketing. These are:

  • Pre-Launch Marketing.
  • Post-Launch Marketing.
  • Post Success of Campaign.

 Let’s explain these one by one.

Pre-Launch Marketing:

Pre-launch marketing is a crucial phase when launching a Kickstarter campaign, as it helps build anticipation, generate interest, and create a supportive community before the campaign officially begins. There are some key strategies for effective pre-launch marketing on Kickstarter. These are mentioned below:

  • Build a Landing Page: Create a dedicated landing page for your Kickstarter campaign. Use this page to showcase the key features and benefits of your product or project.
  • Social Media Teasers:  Use your existing social media channels to tease your upcoming Kickstarter campaign.
  • Email Marketing:  Leverage your email list by sending targeted newsletters to your subscribers.
  • Collaborate with Influencers:  Identify influencers in your niche who may be interested in your project. Reach out to them with information about your campaign and offer to send them a sample or exclusive access.
  • Engage with Your Audience:  Foster a sense of community by actively engaging with your audience on social media.
  • Partner with Complementary Campaigns:  Identify other Kickstarter campaigns or projects that complement yours. Consider cross-promoting each other to tap into each other’s audiences and expand your reach.

“Remember, the goal of pre-launch marketing is to create hype and build a community around your project. Engage with your audience, be transparent, and make them feel like they are part of something special.”

Post-Launch Marketing:

Many businesses struggle to maintain the momentum post-launch, and their marketing campaigns lose potential as they scramble to determine the next steps. So, I am about to discuss how to maintain the progress in Kickstarter Marketing once the Pre-Launch phase is over.

What is the Post-Launch Phase?

After launching, another stage comes into play — the post-launch phase.

It is a critical period that shapes the long-term success and sustainability of your product or business. It characterizes a shift in focus from attracting early adopters to expanding the customer base and maintaining customer loyalty.

Here are some ways that can be adopted in the Post-Launch phase to maintain the interests of the investors.

  • Sustained Interest: Post-launch campaigns keep the product or service fresh in the minds of consumers long after the initial launch and help sustain interest.
  • Reach a Broader Audience: While initial campaigns might target early adopters, post-launch campaigns allow businesses to reach a broader audience.
  • Nurture Customer Relationships: Post-launch campaigns allow businesses to build and nurture relationships with customers, fostering loyalty and customer retention.
  • Feedback and Improvement: Continuous engagement with customers after the official launch helps you gather valuable feedback. Utilize this feedback provided to enhance the product or service.
  • Performance Monitoring: Post-launch campaigns provide an opportunity to monitor product performance in a real-world market scenario, leading to better decision-making for future strategies.

Post Success of Kickstarter Marketing Campaign:

The success of a Kickstarter marketing campaign can be attributed to various factors, and post-campaign efforts are crucial for sustaining momentum and delivering on promises. Here are some key steps to take after a successful Kickstarter campaign:

  • Fulfill Backer Rewards: Ensure timely and transparent communication with backers regarding the fulfillment of rewards. Keep them updated on the production and shipping progress. If there are any delays, communicate them promptly and provide realistic timelines.
  • Update Campaign Page: Keep your Kickstarter campaign page updated with relevant information.
  • Engage with Backers: Maintain an active presence on the Kickstarter platform and social media channels. Respond to comments, messages, and inquiries from backers.
  • Create a Website or Landing Page: Establish a dedicated website or landing page for your project. This can serve as a central hub for information, updates, and future sales. It also provides a professional online presence beyond the Kickstarter platform.
  • Optimize for SEO: Ensure your online presence is optimized for search engines. This includes using relevant keywords, creating quality content, and having a well-structured website. This can improve your visibility and attract organic traffic.
  • Plan for the Future: Use the success of your Kickstarter campaign as a foundation for future projects. Leverage the relationships built with backers and consider launching new products or campaigns based on their feedback and interests.

“By actively engaging with your investors, maintaining transparency, and strategically marketing your product post-Kickstarter, you can capitalize on the success of your campaign and foster a sustainable business.”

What are the best Kickstarter marketing strategies?

Creating a successful Kickstarter marketing campaign involves a combination of strategic planning, effective communication, and engaging content. I am about to discuss the most influential ones. These are:


  • Building a Solid Foundation: Ensure that your product or project is well-developed and has a unique value proposition.
  • Create Compelling Content:  Create a high-quality, engaging video that effectively communicates your project’s story, features, and benefits. This is often the first thing potential backers see.
  • Set Realistic Funding Goals:  Set a funding goal that is realistic and transparent. Investors are more likely to support projects that seem achievable.
  • Create a Kickstarter Page:  Optimize your Kickstarter page with compelling visuals, a well-written project description, and a breakdown of how the funds will be used.
  • Press and Media Outreach:  Reach out to relevant blogs, websites, and journalists to cover your project. A feature in the press can significantly boost your campaign’s visibility.
  • Post-Campaign Engagement: Continue engaging with backers even after the campaign ends. Keep them informed about the project’s development and delivery timeline.
  • Backer Feedback: Listen to feedback from backers and be open to making improvements based on their suggestions. This helps in building trust and loyalty.

“By focusing on building a supportive community and effectively showcasing your project, you increase the chances of reaching your funding goals, which in turn is the real goal of Kickstarter Marketing.”

What do you know about hiring a marketing agency for a Kickstarter campaign?

Hiring a marketing agency for a Kickstarter campaign can be a strategic move to enhance your project’s visibility, reach a broader audience, and increase the chances of meeting or surpassing your funding goals.

 However, one should understand the agency’s pricing structure and ensure it aligns with your budget. Some agencies may work on a fixed fee, while others may take a percentage of the funds raised. Remember to thoroughly research potential agencies, read reviews, and consider reaching out to previous clients to get a better understanding of their experiences.


What are the pros and cons of hiring a Kickstarter marketing agency?

Well, hiring a Kickstarter marketing agency can have both advantages and disadvantages. There are some pros and cons to consider, which are mentioned below:


  • Expertise and Experience.
  • Targeted Audience Reach.
  • Professional Campaign Strategy.
  • Time and Resource Efficiency.
  • Increased Credibility.


  • Lack of Control.
  • Overpromise and Underdeliver.
  • Generic Strategies.


Frequently Asked Questions:

How can I market/promote my Kickstarter campaign?

Well, promoting a Kickstarter campaign successfully involves a mix of strategies. It depends on the person, and whatever he wants to pursue to successfully promote his cause for generating revenue from potential investors. Some of them are mentioned below:

  • Utilize social media platforms to share compelling content about your project.
  • Engage with your audience, and create a sense of community.
  • Leverage email lists and reach out to friends, family, and existing networks.
  • Create a Compelling Campaign Page.
  • Build a Pre-launch Audience.
  • Leverage Social Media.
  • Collaborate with Crowdfunding Communities.
  • Create Engaging Content.
  • Run Contests and Giveaways.
  • Optimize Kickstarter SEO.

How much does it cost to run a successful Kickstarter marketing campaign?

There are several types of costs associated when it comes to running a successful Kickstarter marketing campaign. These are:

Marketing costs:

The budget for promoting your campaign.

Platform Costs:

Fees are charged by platforms like Kickstarter, which can range from 5-10% of the total funds raised.

Payment Processor Costs:

These are generally around 3.5% of the total funds raised.

The cost of running a successful Kickstarter marketing campaign can vary widely depending on many factors such as the type of project, target audience, campaign goals, and the scale of marketing efforts. Some factors are:

  • Video Production.
  • Advertising and Promotion.
  • Graphic Design and Campaign Materials.
  • Public Relations.
  • Crowdfunding Platform Fees.
  • Reward Fulfillment.
  • Consulting or Marketing Agencies.

Considering these factors, the overall cost of a Kickstarter marketing campaign can range from a few thousand dollars to tens of thousands of dollars or more, depending on the scale and goals of the project. It’s crucial to carefully plan and budget for each aspect to maximize the chances of a successful campaign.

How much of a percentage does Kickstarter take?

If your project is successfully funded, the following fees will be collected from your funding total: Kickstarter’s 5% fee, and payment processing fees (between 3% and 5%). Payment processing fees are incurred, which vary depending on the payment method and location of the project creator and the investors. If funding is not successful, there are no fees.

It’s important to note that platform policies can change, so I recommend checking the official Kickstarter website or contacting Kickstarter directly for the most up-to-date information on fees and policies.

How do I get my project funding on Kickstarter?

Project funding on Kickstarter is through the Kickstarter platform. Creators can create a profile, set a fundraising goal, and offer rewards to backers in exchange for their support. When a project is successfully funded, the creator will receive the money they raised, minus Kickstarter and payment processing fees.

Ensure that your funding goal covers all costs associated with the project.  Keep backers informed about the progress of your project even after the campaign ends. You must understand and comply with Kickstarter’s rules. Seek legal advice if necessary.

Securing funding on Kickstarter involves careful planning, effective communication, and strategic execution. Here are steps to help you launch a successful Kickstarter campaign:

Remember, a successful Kickstarter campaign requires dedication, preparation, and ongoing effort. Being transparent, communicating effectively, and building a supportive community will contribute to your campaign’s success.

How long should you run a Kickstarter campaign?

The duration of a Kickstarter campaign is an important decision that can significantly impact its success. Kickstarter campaigns lasting any longer than 60 days are rarely successful. When planning your project, I recommend setting it to run for 30 days or less. Campaigns with shorter durations often have higher success rates, and create a helpful sense of urgency around your project.

However, the optimal duration can vary based on several factors such as project complexity, preparation time, funding, and investor’s loss of interest. Ultimately, there is no one-size-fits-all answer, and the ideal duration will depend on your project and your target audience. It is essential to balance the time needed to achieve your goals with maintaining the interest and engagement of your investors.

How long does it take to get Kickstarter money?

 The time needed to get your funds from Kickstarter is two to three weeks after running a successful campaign. Moreover, the time it takes to receive Kickstarter funds can vary based on many factors. Once a Kickstarter campaign successfully reaches its funding goal, the investors’ credit cards are charged, and the funds are collected. However, the actual transfer of funds to the project creator may take some additional time.

Kickstarter generally processes payments within 14 days of the campaign’s end date. After that, the funds need to be transferred to the project creator’s bank account. The time it takes for the funds to reach the creator’s account can vary depending on the banking system and the country in which the creator’s bank is located. Overall, it is not uncommon for project creators to receive their Kickstarter funds within 2 to 3 weeks after the campaign has ended, but this timeline can vary.

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